Pipeline Examples

pipeline examples

pipeline {
  agent {
    dockerfile {
       * This assumes that a "Dockerfile" is in the current workspace
       * A new container will be build with the args below and the pipeline will run inside that container.
      args "-v /tmp:/tmp -p 8000:8000"
  stages {
    stage("foo") {
      steps {
        sh 'cat /hi-there'
        sh 'echo "The answer is 42"'

pipeline {
  agent any

  environment {
    // FOO will be available in entire pipeline

  stages {
    stage("local") {
      environment {
        // BAR will only be available in this stage
        BAR = "STAGE"
      steps {
        sh 'echo "FOO is $FOO and BAR is $BAR"'
    stage("global") {
      steps {
        sh 'echo "FOO is $FOO and BAR is $BAR"'

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